Making onboarding rewarding for PokerStars

Making onboarding rewarding for PokerStars

At this point in my career, I was the lead designer for the PokerStars deposit journey. While I delivered many improvements to the experience, one of my biggest impact deliveries was the redesign of the bonus journey for app. The problem I was trying to solve was that there was an inordinate number of new player accounts who were not applying their sign-up bonus. This investigation and redesign primarily addressed this part of the problem.


My redesign contributed to a 59% increase in bonus applicants in onboarding

Real money account onboarding completion rate increased by 19%


UX Architect


Product Redesign






UX Architect


Product Redesign





At this point in my career, I was the lead designer for the PokerStars deposit journey. While I delivered many improvements to the experience, one of my biggest impact deliveries was the redesign of the bonus journey for app. The problem I was trying to solve was that there was an inordinate number of new player accounts who were not applying their sign-up bonus. This investigation and redesign primarily addressed this part of the problem.


My redesign contributed to a 59% increase in bonus applicants in onboarding

Real money account onboarding completion rate increased by 19%


UX Architect


Product Redesign






+44 7809 474904


Project Highlights ✨

Project Highlights ✨

I tested our end-to-end onboarding journey

As we had to simulate a customer signing up for the first time, I had to create a prototype version in Axure. Performing moderated user testing & thematic analysis, I determined the problems with the previous onboarding experience.

I tested our end-to-end onboarding journey

As we had to simulate a customer signing up for the first time, I had to create a prototype version in Axure. Performing moderated user testing & thematic analysis, I determined the problems with the previous onboarding experience.

I performed a full industry competitor analysis

I performed a full industry competitor analysis

This was to assess how the current landscape performs the onboarding journey. This was presented as an interactive prototype that you can use here.

This was to assess how the current landscape performs the onboarding journey. This was presented as an interactive prototype that you can use here.

I redesigned the IOS & Android first deposit experience

Working in an agile squad, I reworked the first deposit experience called "first cashier". This was optimised specifically for mobile platforms and first time users. Some of the ideation work I did can be seen in the image.

I redesigned the IOS & Android first deposit experience

Working in an agile squad, I reworked the first deposit experience called "first cashier". This was optimised specifically for mobile platforms and first time users. Some of the ideation work I did can be seen in the image.

What I redesigned 👇🏼

What I redesigned 👇🏼

Addressing banner blindness

Instead of the customer having to enter a deposit code, we built it into the onboarding flow. In user testing, I identified that customers were missing the bonus banner. This is a very common phenomenon called "banner blindness".

Addressing banner blindness

Instead of the customer having to enter a deposit code, we built it into the onboarding flow. In user testing, I identified that customers were missing the bonus banner. This is a very common phenomenon called "banner blindness".

Minimum deposit amount and bonus-applicable payment methods

In the web experience, there was no way to see which payment methods would be accepted for a bonus reward. Furthermore, minamum deposit was invisible to customers. These are addressed in the mobile version.

Minimum deposit amount and bonus-applicable payment methods

In the web experience, there was no way to see which payment methods would be accepted for a bonus reward. Furthermore, minamum deposit was invisible to customers. These are addressed in the mobile version.

Making money conversions simple

As PokerStars can be played in multiple different currencies, to enter certain tables you must have the specific currency that table is set to. This was not explained in the desktop experience. We take the time to explain in mobile.

Making money conversions simple

As PokerStars can be played in multiple different currencies, to enter certain tables you must have the specific currency that table is set to. This was not explained in the desktop experience. We take the time to explain in mobile.

Bonus summary that follows you around

Different bonuses have different amounts and methods required to claim. We created a bonus summary that follows the customer around so that the instructions to get the bonus is always available.

Bonus summary that follows you around

Different bonuses have different amounts and methods required to claim. We created a bonus summary that follows the customer around so that the instructions to get the bonus is always available.

👈🏼 See the previous project

Automating Orders for British Telecom

Deep dive coming soon 🕓

Learn about the process, research and hypothesis behind this work



See the next project 👉🏼

Professional Poker with One Hand for PokerStars

See the next project 👉🏼

Professional Poker with One Hand for PokerStars


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